SEO in Tucson – Benefits and Applications of Web Positioning

SEO in Tucson – Benefits and Applications of Web Positioning

If you’re looking for specialist SEO in Tucson, Arizona. As in any place where companies are created, it is increasingly important to position your website in Google results. SEO, in its acronym in English Search Engine Optimization, is the execution of a series of content optimization actions (content SEO). Optimization of your website (on-page SEO), and obtaining links from other websites ( linkbuilding). With the main objective of improving our position in search engines, for certain search terms, in order to increase traffic to our website.

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Table of Contents

Introduction – SEO in Tucson

In this guide we tell you about the benefits of SEO in Tucson, Arizona. That you can find with our digital marketing agency.

However, the benefits of SEO go beyond appearing in the top positions. Good SEO positioning has a direct impact on the success of your marketing strategy. Both online and offline, since your website is the digital showcase for your products or services.

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Benefits of SEO in Tucson

Positioning your website in the top positions will increase the visibility of your business, attracting more traffic to the website. Increasing your probability of achieving more sales or conversions. Furthermore, part of on-page SEO, web optimization. Consists of actions that affect loading speed and usability, making it faster, more accessible and more attractive. With this we manage to maximize the chances that you will achieve your sales and conversion objectives.

Having a website that is optimized will allow you to better achieve your conversion goals, saving you time and money in the long term. If you are still not convinced, we show you 10 benefits of SEO positioning and its disadvantages.

The benefits of SEO go beyond generating traffic to the website.

SEO in Tucson – Main Advantages for your Website

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SEO in Tucson – Main Advantages for your Website:

1. High Return on Investment (ROI)

One of the main benefits of SEO is to offer a high return on investment. Compared to other forms of search engine promotion such as Google Adwords. For our website to appear organically on Google does not entail any cost. Apart from the service of the SEO professional and that derived from the creation of good content to position. One of the main differences between SEO and SEM is that we do not have to pay Google to appear in search results.

On the other hand, its cost is independent of the volume of traffic you manage to bring to your website. For example, if you run a campaign on Google Ad (formerly Google Adwords) you will pay for each click on the ad. Therefore each person who accesses your website will have a cost. While with SEO positioning you will always have stable costs. regardless of the number of users who come to your website.

Furthermore, words that generate a high volume of searches usually have high bids, especially if they are business keywords. Thereby generating very high campaign costs, which many companies cannot maintain in the long term.

Another benefit of SEO related to its profitability is the non-limitation of traffic or time, as happens in adwords campaigns. Since in the latter, from the moment the budget runs out or the campaign period ends, you leave to appear in search engines and consequently the website must receive traffic.

2. Long-term Positioning

One of the advantages of SEO is that it is a long-term digital marketing strategy. If we manage to have good SEO positioning, upload optimized content periodically to the website and carry out a little maintenance. We will not easily be snatched from the top positions in the search engines.

As we have already mentioned in the previous point. This does not happen with Google Adwords campaigns, where once our campaign ends we no longer have traffic.

3. Increased Target Traffic

The first 3 positions of the search engines receive more than 75% of the clicks and less than 10% of users go to the second page of the search engines since users prefer to perform a new search. These data speak for themselves about how beneficial it is to appear at the top of Google.

To correctly position a web page, it is necessary to carry out keyword research or study of keywords. To detect all the terms that your clients use to search for your products and services. This will make your traffic quality since you will offer what your customers are looking for.

An added plus to this SEO advantage is that users prefer organic results to paid ones. Many users do not pay attention to Google ads, they skip these positions and go directly to the organic results. Since anyone can bid and appear in these positions, while organic results are the reward for a good positioning job and are perceived by users as content of better quality and more adapted to their search needs. Which generates greater confidence in them.

4. Increase Sales or Conversions

SEO is much more than traffic. Implementing good SEO actions will help optimize the website’s conversion rate.

To do this, we must optimize all the elements of our website that have to do with sales or conversion. Such as the purchase funnel, the pages where users who convert are accessed, and the product and service files.

We must detect which keywords are used by users who make a purchase on our website and focus our efforts on attracting more traffic that converts to our website.

On the other hand, we will not get the maximum benefit from SEO if we bring traffic to the website but do not increase sales or conversions. Therefore, it is essential to optimize the purchase funnel to detect technical errors, unnecessary steps, purchase forms that request too much information or simply information that the user does not understand, which is making it difficult for us to have higher conversion volumes. There are many tools that allow us to monitor what users do on our website, to detect errors or processes that make it difficult for users to purchase.

Carrying out an SEO strategy for ecommerce will increase the sales of our business.

5. Promote the Website Relentlessly

Other benefits of SEO is being able to position our website 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is something that does not happen with Google Ads campaigns: when our budget runs out or we stop the campaigns, we will stop appearing in the search results.

SEO is an investment that will give you results over a long period of time. Once your website is optimized, if you upload quality content periodically and are monitored to ensure that everything is correct, there will be no one who will make you drop from the top positions.

6. Creation of Good Content

Google will not put any content in first position. Therefore, we must create good content that is liked by both users and search engines and that is not duplicated on any other website. To do this, we will resort to SEO content writing, which consists of optimizing the text of the website including the main keywords in relevant sites, such as titles, meta tags, the first paragraphs of the website and images. Although we will always keep in mind that it is the user to whom our content is directed and to whom we must please first of all, with clear texts that provide relevant information for them.

7. Increase the Visibility of your Brand

One of the benefits of SEO is being at the top of Google search results, and this will provide clients and users with a good impression of our brand and we will be able to increase our branding. On the other hand, the more pages we have positioned, the more likely it is that users will see our content, access the website and consume our products or services.

Furthermore, well-positioned websites are seen by users as trustworthy pages. If you do not have a good position, users may think that you are new to the sector, you have little web traffic, you are a little-known brand or that you do not have enough resources to make an investment in SEO positioning.

8. Improvements in Web Usability

Many of the optimization actions improve web usability, making it easier for users to navigate and perform certain actions on the website, such as making a purchase or registering. When the optimization actions bear fruit, you will see your results ratios in Google Analytics improve considerably. Users will spend more time on your website, visit more pages and the bounce rate will be reduced.

The advantages of SEO will have a direct impact on the success of your digital strategy.

9. Improvements in Website Loading Times

If we carry out good on-page SEO and optimize our page by reducing the size and weight of the images, validating the code so that it does not present errors and we minimize it and perform server optimization tasks so that the requests received are processed quickly and efficient. This will considerably reduce website loading times. This SEO benefit will be highly valued by users, especially when they browse with a mobile device.

10. Trust – Authority Content with SEO in Tucson

Users know that the content offered in the first positions is of quality and this gives them greater trust in these web pages. If Google has positioned us in the top positions it is because we have carried out content optimization tasks and we are going to offer quality content to users. On the other hand, as we already mentioned in previous points, many users prefer organic results to paid SEM results, since anyone can pay at a specific time to appear in the top positions.

Disadvantages of SEO – More Technical Complications

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Disadvantages of SEO – More Technical Complications

Although the disadvantages of SEO positioning are not on par with the benefits it brings us, it is always good to value them and take them into account.

  • Have a good SEO professional: Specialized knowledge is needed for implementation, constant monitoring of both our website and the competition and being able to provide a quick and accurate response to solve problems and compete for the top positions. Furthermore, Google’s search algorithm changes constantly, therefore you must have an SEO professional who is aware of the latest news and changes in the algorithm.
  • Know the best monitoring tools: It is necessary to know and use the main data monitoring tools. In addition to knowing how to interpret the data they provide us and detect opportunities and threats. Furthermore, the vast majority of the tools used in data monitoring tasks are paid.
  • The results are long term: The SEO optimization process needs time for all the changes to be implemented and for search engines to detect and evaluate them. The results can take months to appear, especially if the website is new or international SEO is performed.

Other Disadvantages of SEO

  • Continuous competence: It is impossible to guarantee the positions and volume of traffic that will reach the website in the future. Since it is a process of constant fighting for the top positions against our competitors.
  • The investment is continuous: Although most of the optimization tasks are carried out at the beginning. We should never let our guard down, since competitors will not give us a break. To stay in the top positions, we must upload optimized content to the website continuously. Detect problems and errors on the website or search for new keywords for which we must position ourselves, and improve the SEO positioning of those for which we are positioned. And, furthermore, we must do it before and better than our competition, to guarantee success.

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Conclusion on the Benefits of SEO in Tucson, Arizona

These disadvantages should not lead to discouragement. SEO positioning is an essential strategy for all companies that want to be successful on the Internet. With a good SEO implementation, your website will be more visible, attract more visits, of better quality and puts you ahead of your competitors. While increasing the quality of your website, blog or online store. 

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Important Referens: Search Engine Optimization – Wikipedia

Manuel Salazar Osorio
Manuel Salazar Osorio

Manuel is a Graphic Designer with a solid background in digital marketing and web analytics. Graduated from La Salle University, he holds a Master's Degree in Digital Marketing and Web Analytics from NeetWork Business School. Additionally, he has strengthened his skills with a certificate in Advanced Search Engine Optimization from SimplyLearn's SkillUp Academy. Passionate about the digital world, Manuel stands out for his interest in Copywriting and deep research into various topics and areas. He enjoys creating engaging and relevant content that is not only enjoyable to read but also adheres to SEO best practices. Manuel is committed to excellence and constantly updating his skills to always provide the most up-to-date and effective information. He is always willing to help visitors achieve their online goals and create successful digital strategies.

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